“Google are no longer switching the lights off, instead they're asking consumers to turn the dimmer switch down themselves.”

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Updated 23 July 2024

Recent announcements from

22 JULY 2024

Google stated on 22 July 2024 that: “…we are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice. Instead of deprecating third-party cookies [comment: by default in 2025], we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing…”.
Read the Google release here.

23 APRIL 2024

Google stated on 23 April 2024 that: “…we will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4”. Further: “…we envision proceeding with third-party cookie deprecation starting early next year.
Read the Google Privacy Sandbox release here.

Why the future is still going to be cookieless

Google's Privacy Sandbox will allow people to make an informed choice, opting in-or-out, as to whether they wish to accept or reject non-essential third-party cookies from running in their Chrome Browser. Users will have the option to make this “informed choice” regarding their privacy preferences through a one-time prompt on the platform.

The ICO’s own website, one of the UK regulators cited in the latest release, is a good example of how user may be asked to make their informed choice. This ‘soft-landing’ will still see a reduction in the third-party cookie pool available to Google Privacy Sandbox and advertisers but will not be as dramatic as the edge-of-the-cliff moment we were all anticipating in early 2025.

While this decision is significant, it doesn’t drastically alter existing recommendations to adopt cookieless solutions in your advertising tech-stack and media plan. The direction of travel for the industry is still a cookieless future, one which we all need to embrace. First-party data and technology solutions remain crucial, especially in cookie restricted browsers like Apple’s Safari and Firefox, where third-party cookies are already blocked by default.

Brands should continue to prepare for a cookieless future, as the availability of third-party cookies are expected to decrease further in the coming months and years.

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